Friday, July 29, 2011

First day of games!

Hello! It's still raining here :( but that hasn't stopped us from having fun!

Last night, we had the Opening Ceremony. There was so many people there and we got to see flags from all the different countries on the stage. We also got to see a bunch of people, and ABBA. We were really and it didnt rain the whole time during the ceremony.

This morning we played our first module game! It was the Earth module, and we built cities and learned how to filter water. We also shared with other countries natural disasters that have happened. About half of us got lost from the pack so we split up to play the module, but we were able to meet with Austrians, Californians, Thailand-ians and Luxembourg-ians(?). After that we were able to go out and explore the camp on our own.

Tonight we are going to split up and eat with different countries. Superman and the Captain America are going to be cooking for the Swedes, while Green Lantern and the Incredibles will be eating food from Brazilians.

Still miss you guys! and still really wet. Pictures soon!

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