Sunday, July 31, 2011

More Modules and More Sun

Yesterday on Saturday, we were able to play at the People module. We were able to see a show and learn more about ourselves. Then we were able to have some free time, and had a delicious meal back at the campsite for dinner. At dinner friends from France, and 4 IST members joined us. We had a very nice meal of fish and mashed potatoes.

Today, we played at the Quest module, where it challenged our physical abilities through obstacle courses, teamwork games, and old swedish pasttimes. We're having a bonfire tonight with the Norwegians, Swedish, and other nationalities. We are going to be sharing classic cultural desserts, on our part 'smores.

We've been doing a lot of trading and a few of us have even started the Friendship Award. Today the sun finally came out and it hasn't rained all day! The weather is beautiful, but kind of hot - we've been drinking a lot of water! We're looking forward to Camp-in-Camp and a possible trip to the beach!

We miss you all! We all love you!

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